Friday, March 2, 2012

Mail call!

Welcome to another edition of the mailbag! Today we have some excellent letters. As always, your anonymity is paramount to us and we will only use your first initial and last name. Send all your questions to

First, we have a rather interesting and sad question:

Dear Blake,
Do you know who killed my brother? I will have revenge upon him! Justice will be served.
Thank you for giving much honour to my family.

-D. Peng

Mr. Peng, please accept my condolences for your loss. No, I'm afraid that I don't know who killed your brother. I wouldn't even know where to guess. If I find anything out, I assure you that I will let you know.

Next one is a more traditional letter:

What is best in life?

-A. Mongol

I thought I would throw that question to our friend, vigilante Rival Kane:
"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women."

Hey Rival, tone it down a notch buddy.

Finally, we have a very interesting letter from a very interesting person.


You know, ever since I left Umri things haven't been the same and now you're saying that I'm some sort of effin' fictional character? Right... and Snagglepuss is the easter bunny. I'm as real as it gets. Always have been, ever since my birth some...(EDITED FOR CONTENT) ... years ago.

-N. Barf

I don't know what to tell you man. Life is getting a little weirder every day.

1 comment:

  1. What a lame blog. I can't believe I'm getting effin' redacted! And you got that Snagglepuss thing all wrong. It isn't that he's a bunny, it's that he hangs out with Bunnies. Ha!
